
  • NZ$ 20.00
  • 8cm high & 10cm wide

    Amethyst is believed to be a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. It is known to alleviate sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities. It will help clear & transform energies in the environment & has strong protective qualities. Relates to the Third Eye or Crown Chakra.
    NZ$ 28.00
  • 7cm high & 7cm wide

    Amethyst is believed to be a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. It is known to alleviate sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities. It will help clear & transform energies in the environment & has strong protective qualities. Relates to the Third Eye or Crown Chakra.
    NZ$ 28.00
  • 5cm high & 5cm wide

    Amethyst is believed to be a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, dispels anger, rage, fear, and anxiety. It is known to alleviate sadness and grief, and dissolves negativity. Amethyst activates spiritual awareness, opens intuition, and enhances psychic abilities. It will help clear & transform energies in the environment & has strong protective qualities. Relates to the Third Eye or Crown Chakra.
    NZ$ 30.00
  • 6.5cm high & 10cm wide

    Apophyllite enhances clarity of mind and enables you to let go of old patterns. It is uplifting & cheerful. Helps in contacting your guides. Beneficial to many organs, but especially the heart, adrenal glands, spleen & brain. Stimulates intuition & raises energy levels.
    Green apophyllite is useful when making big decisions in your life, especially in the development of personal growth, it will help you on your journey. Balances the heart chakra. Calming for the mind & emotionally balancing. A soft and gentle stone. Activates the heart chakra. Corresponding organs are the heart, muscles, spleen & brain.
    NZ$ 45.00
  • 6cm high & 9cm wide

    Apophyllite enhances clarity of mind and enables you to let go of old patterns. It is uplifting & cheerful. Helps in contacting your guides. Beneficial to many organs, but especially the heart, adrenal glands, spleen & brain. Stimulates intuition & raises energy levels.
    NZ$ 30.00
  • 6.5cm high & 10cm wide

    Apophyllite enhances clarity of mind and enables you to let go of old patterns. It is uplifting & cheerful. Helps in contacting your guides. Beneficial to many organs, but especially the heart, adrenal glands, spleen & brain. Stimulates intuition & raises energy levels.
    Green apophyllite is useful when making big decisions in your life, especially in the development of personal growth, it will help you on your journey. Balances the heart chakra. Calming for the mind & emotionally balancing. A soft and gentle stone. Activates the heart chakra. Corresponding organs are the heart, muscles, spleen & brain.
    NZ$ 45.00
  • 8cm x 8cm

    Also known as Banded Calcite Onyx has the power to amplify and cleanse energy. It diminishes negative energy and brings positive energy to our lives. When it is carved into the shape of a tower it amplifies their metaphysical properties and is used in conjunction to recharge other crystals. Brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive change in one’s life. It encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and brings softness to the heart, stimulating compassion.
    NZ$ 55.00
  • 10cm x 10cm

    Also known as Banded Calcite Onyx has the power to amplify and cleanse energy. It diminishes negative energy and brings positive energy to our lives. When it is carved into the shape of a tower it amplifies their metaphysical properties and is used in conjunction to recharge other crystals. Brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive change in one’s life. It encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and brings softness to the heart, stimulating compassion.
    NZ$ 88.00
  • 7.5cm

    Also known as Banded Calcite Onyx has the power to amplify and cleanse energy. It diminishes negative energy and brings positive energy to our lives. When it is carved into the shape of a tower it amplifies their metaphysical properties and is used in conjunction to recharge other crystals. Brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive change in one’s life. It encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and brings softness to the heart, stimulating compassion.
    NZ$ 75.00
  • 16cm high & 4.5cm wide

    Also known as Banded Calcite Onyx has the power to amplify and cleanse energy. It diminishes negative energy and brings positive energy to our lives. When it is carved into the shape of a tower it amplifies their metaphysical properties and is used in conjunction to recharge other crystals. Brings a renewed sense of purpose and vitality and a desire to make positive change in one’s life. It encourages forgiveness of oneself and others and brings softness to the heart, stimulating compassion.
    NZ$ 55.00
  • 3cm high & 9cm wide

    Black Tourmaline has protective energies, and is a stone so well versed at keeping you in the clear from toxic energies, that you can step out without a worry. Whether dealing with a dose of negativity from another person, or blocking electromagnetic fields and worrying environmental factors. Great for grounding.
    NZ$ 15.00
  • 6cm

    Blue Apatite is a stone of manifestation attuned to the future.
    It is known to increase the strength and frequency of lucid dreaming, try placing a piece in your pillowcase.
    Apatite has been known to also successfully suppress hunger, this can work by wearing or carrying the Apatite daily.
    Due to Apatite’s strength this is a beautiful stone to work with during meditation.
    NZ$ 15.00
  • 5.5cm high

    Blue Onyx, is often used for its ability to bring harmony to a person's mind and soul. It's especially helpful during tough times. The crystal's calming and compassionate energy can offer emotional and spiritual support when you're dealing with life's challenges.
    NZ$ 12.00
  • 6cm high

    Blue Onyx, is often used for its ability to bring harmony to a person's mind and soul. It's especially helpful during tough times. The crystal's calming and compassionate energy can offer emotional and spiritual support when you're dealing with life's challenges.
    NZ$ 12.00
  • 5cm high

    Blue Onyx, is often used for its ability to bring harmony to a person's mind and soul. It's especially helpful during tough times. The crystal's calming and compassionate energy can offer emotional and spiritual support when you're dealing with life's challenges.
    NZ$ 10.00
  • 9.5cm high

    Choclate Calcite can give you a hopeful and meaningful outlook on life & it connects to your Root Chakra. It grounds you to the Earth and provides you with warm and soothing energy. Chocolate Calcite is a stone of abundance and increases your awareness of your potential prosperity. It encourages creativity and happiness.
    NZ$ 65.00
  • 3cm

    Choclate Calcite can give you a hopeful and meaningful outlook on life & it connects to your Root Chakra. It grounds you to the Earth and provides you with warm and soothing energy. Chocolate Calcite is a stone of abundance and increases your awareness of your potential prosperity. It encourages creativity and happiness.
    NZ$ 15.00
  • 3cm

    Choclate Calcite can give you a hopeful and meaningful outlook on life & it connects to your Root Chakra. It grounds you to the Earth and provides you with warm and soothing energy. Chocolate Calcite is a stone of abundance and increases your awareness of your potential prosperity. It encourages creativity and happiness.
    NZ$ 15.00
  • 3cm

    Choclate Calcite can give you a hopeful and meaningful outlook on life & it connects to your Root Chakra. It grounds you to the Earth and provides you with warm and soothing energy. Chocolate Calcite is a stone of abundance and increases your awareness of your potential prosperity. It encourages creativity and happiness.
    NZ$ 15.00
  • Various sizes - price per piece

    Citrine - To attract abundance. All business people should have either a Citrine Point or an Amethyst Point on their office desk, as well as somewhere in their business. Citrine is the premier manifestation crystal.
    NZ$ 3.00
  • 6.5cm high & 5cm wide

    Cracked Quartz is known as a 'crystal of the stars' because it resembles star formations. It is said to have a calming effect on the nervous system and is good for those who are stressed out.
    NZ$ 38.00
  • 8cm high & 4.5cm wide

    Cracked Quartz is known as a 'crystal of the stars' because it resembles star formations. It is said to have a calming effect on the nervous system and is good for those who are stressed out.
    NZ$ 38.00
  • Various sizes - price per piece

    Desert Rose Selenite is the perfect meditation tool that helps one stay grounded and balanced. This mineral actives our root, crown, and sacral chakras that assist in mental clarity and focus, manifestation, and self-expression, and unlocking our divine will.
    NZ$ 5.00
  • NZ$ 6.00
  • NZ$ 6.00
  • NZ$ 6.00
  • 6cm wide

    Fire Quartz is a powerful stone that can help to purify and cleanse your energy. It can also help to protect you from negative influences. It can also promote creativity, enthusiasm, and joy. If you are feeling lost or stuck, this is a great stone to help you find your way again, or if you have addiction issues, it can help guide you through breaking free.
    NZ$ 21.00
  • 8cm high & 5.5cm wide

    Agate is known to help enhance one's communication as well as their analytical abilities. The believed 'grounding energy' of Agate helps to make one feel secure and stable within their home, work and personal environments.
    NZ$ 20.00
  • 5.5cm

    Green moonstone bears feminine energy that aids in nourishing and loving oneself. This crystal helps reveal the authentic self and discover self-love, letting the person be open to receiving and sharing the love with compassion and gentleness. This crystal also helps to attract new love.
    NZ$ 40.00

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